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What we believe

What does God believe about you?

Lots of people want to know what a church believes about this or that before they show up on Sunday morning. That makes sense and you can find out what our church believes by scrolling below and following the links. However, perhaps it is even more important to consider what God believes about you?


This is what the scriptures say, God loves the world and everyone in it (John 3:16). God made everything and said it was "good", God made people and said that it was "very good" (Genesis 1:31). God loves people and is determined to rescue them. God's plan is not to condemn the world but to save the world (John 3:17). 


If you are looking for a God who loves people, does not want to condemn people but save are in good company. That is what we are looking for too!

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Our Beliefs

STLC is a Lutheran church associated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC). We believe in the historic creeds like the Apostles Creed and the Lutheran Confessions (more info here). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the pastor.



We believe that in baptism God liberates us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; in the waters of baptism we are made God's children and He forgives our sins.  By water and the Holy Spirit we become members of the Church which is the body of Christ. 


Please contact Pastor Brodie Taphorn if you have questions or want to schedule an infant or adult baptism. 


Holy Communion

We believe that in communion Jesus Christ gives us Himself in bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. Anyone who desires what only Christ can give is welcome at His table.


Children and adults who have not received instruction on communion can meet with the pastor and learn more about what we believe about this sacrament.

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